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Pinterest for Business

Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is a visual discovery and bookmarking platform that allows users to discover, save, and share ideas and inspiration for various interests and projects. Pinterest for Business allows businesses to create and manage their presence to reach and engage their target audience. Here are some key features and benefits of using Pinterest for Business:

  • Business Profiles: Pinterest allows businesses to create a separate business profile with important information such as business hours, contact information, and a call-to-action button.
  • Pins and Boards: Businesses can create Pins and Boards that showcase their products or services and organize them by theme or category. Pins can include images, videos, or even product descriptions.
  • Insights: Business profiles also provide access to Pinterest’s analytics tool, which provides valuable insights into audience demographics, Pin performance, and engagement data.
  • Advertising: Pinterest offers a range of advertising options for businesses, including Promoted Pins, Promoted Video Pins, and Promoted Carousel Pins. These ads can help businesses reach a wider audience and drive traffic to their website.
  • Shopping: Businesses can also use Pinterest to sell products directly through the platform by setting up a Pinterest Shop.
  • Influencer Marketing: Pinterest is a popular influencer marketing platform, allowing businesses to partner with influential social media users to promote their products or services.

Pinterest for Business can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with their target audience on a visually-focused platform.

 How to create a Pinterest business account

Creating a Pinterest Business account is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to create a Pinterest Business account:

  • Go to the Pinterest website: Visit the Pinterest website at and click on the “Sign up” button.
  • Choose the Business account option: On the next page, select the “Create a business account” option.
  • Enter your business information: Fill out the form with your name, email address, password, and business type.
  • Create your profile: Once you have entered your business information, you will be prompted to create your profile. Add your business logo or profile picture, and write a brief description of your Business.
  • Verify your website: Verify your website by adding a piece of code to your website or uploading an HTML file. This will give you access to Pinterest’s analytics tool and other features.
  • Set up your boards: Create boards relevant to your Business and add Pins that showcase your products or services. Organize your boards by theme or category.
  • Start engaging: Start following other users and engaging with their Pins. Use Pinterest’s search function to find relevant Pins and users to follow.

Following these steps, you can create a Pinterest Business account and use the platform to reach and engage your target audience.

 List of Pinterest terminologies

Here are some common Pinterest terminologies that you should know:

  • Pin: A Pin is a visual bookmark that users can save to their boards on Pinterest. Pins can be images, videos, or even product descriptions.
  • Board: A Board is a collection of Pins organized by theme or category. Users can create their Boards or save Pins to existing Boards.
  • Repin: A Repin is when a user saves someone else’s PIN to one of their Boards. This helps to share content and expand its reach on Pinterest.
  • Like: Users can also Like Pins by clicking the heart icon, similar to other social media platforms. Liking a Pin saves it to a user’s profile but doesn’t add it to a specific Board.
  • Feed: The Pinterest Feed is a collection of Pins from users and Boards that a user follows. The Feed shows the most recent Pins from those users and Boards.
  • Explore: The Explore tab on Pinterest allows users to discover new content and users based on their interests and search history.
  • Promoted Pins: Promoted Pins are ads businesses can pay to appear in the Pinterest Feed and search results. These ads can help businesses reach a wider audience and drive traffic to their website.
  • Analytics: Pinterest offers a tool for businesses that provides valuable insights into audience demographics, Pin performance, and engagement data.
  • Rich Pins: Rich Pins are a type of Pin that includes additional information beyond the image or video. This can include product information, recipe details, or article metadata.

These are some of the common Pinterest terminologies you should be familiar with when using the platform.

 Why should your Business use Pinterest?

There are several reasons why your Business should use Pinterest:

  • Large user base: Pinterest has a large user base with over 400 million monthly active users. This presents a significant opportunity for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience.
  • Visual platform: Pinterest is a highly visual platform, which makes it ideal for businesses that sell products or services that can be showcased through images or videos.
  • Increased website traffic: Pinterest can help drive traffic to your website by allowing users to click through from your Pins.
  • SEO benefits: Pinterest can also have SEO benefits, as Pins can rank in Google search results and drive organic traffic to your website.
  • Advertising options: Pinterest offers a range of advertising options for businesses, including Promoted Pins, Promoted Video Pins, and Promoted Carousel Pins. These ads can help businesses reach a wider audience and drive traffic to their website.
  • Insights and analytics: Pinterest offers an analytics tool that provides valuable insights into audience demographics, Pin performance, and engagement data. This data can help businesses optimize their Pinterest strategy and improve their performance on the platform.
  • Opportunity for influencer marketing: Pinterest is a popular platform for businesses to partner with influential social media users to promote their products or services.

Pinterest can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with their target audience on a visually focused platform.

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